Requirements to enter Paraguay
Update October 24, 2022
Requirements to enter Paraguay
The International Vaccination Certificate, commonly known as the Yellow Card, is currently a mandatory requirement for entry into Paraguay for nationals and foreigners arriving from countries considered high-risk (*1), as well as those who have visited such countries within the past 6 (six) months.
Furthermore, since Paraguay is currently considered a country at risk of Yellow Fever transmission, other countries may require the certificate to be shown upon departure from the country. Therefore, it is highly recommended to have the International Certificate of Vaccination against yellow fever.
Since October 24, 2022, the protocol for entry into the country dated 06/02/22 is not in effect; therefore, the presentation of the vaccination certificate against COVID-19 and the RT-PCR test is no longer required for entry into Paraguay.
For monitoring purposes of travelers entering the country, information about the vaccination status against COVID-19 will be requested. The fact of not having this vaccination will not impede entry into the country.
For further information, please consult: Sanitary requirements for entry 21/10/22 Spanish